Useful Erosion Control Tips For Residential Landscapes

One thing you probably don't want happening around your landscaping is erosion. It can change the slope of your landscaping and thus affect drainage in a negative way. To prevent erosion from ever happening, here are some control tips to consider. 

Identify Areas Where Erosion is Probable

There are probably some areas around your property's landscaping where soil erosion is more probable than others. You need to figure out which parts these are so that you can be more specific with your control tactics going forward. What you'll need to do is perform a thorough landscape inspection in person.

Look at your entire landscaping and see where soil erosion would more than likely happen. If soil erosion has already started to happen around certain areas, then it will be easier to target the right areas. Just be thorough with these inspections so that you maximize control tactics as much as you can.

Add Mulch Around Gentle Slopes

Mulch has a lot of amazing roles for residential landscapes today, including the ability to prevent soil erosion from taking place. You'll just want to use mulch around the gentle slopes of your property. The mulch will give surrounding areas of soil more structural stability and help collect moisture, keeping soil erosion from taking place.

Make sure you're using a superior mulch product for erosion control and also work it over gentle slopes in a strategic manner. You may need to test out some application techniques too to see what does and doesn't work.

Have Contractors Build Retaining Walls Around Severe Slopes

If there are severe slopes around your property's landscaping, then soil erosion is highly probable. You thus will need to be more direct with the control measures you take, and one of the best methods available is building up a retaining wall.

It's going to keep soil contained in a certain area regardless of what the weather conditions do over time. You'll just want to hire some contractors to build up this retaining wall so that you can make sure it's angled correctly and built in a way that easily holds up over the years. 

If you're worried about soil erosion happening around your residential landscapes, you can ease these nerves by implementing certain control measures. There are a lot of options. You just need to study your landscapes and figure out what erosion control measures make the most sense now and years later.
